Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Setting & Characters

The setting for the fantastic novel The Old Man and The Sea, is the beaches of the Havana in Cuba.There are not many characters in the novel, The Old Man and the Sea, but the ones that are in the novel are very important. First, there is the main character Santiago whose name is mentioned very few times throughout the novel. Santiago is a Cuban fisherman. He is not married, but arguably married to the seas. Santiago is described as an elder, whom is not only poor but also very lonely. Another character in the story is Manolin, he is another very poor native of Cuba. Manolin, is young, and very caring of Santiago, arguably Santiago is his idol. Another character in this novel is the fish. The fish although not human creates a personality of his own as the novel evolves. Beginning with the fish, as the novel evolves the fishes personality truly shines. First, the fish is hooked, and the bond that Santiago creates with him is "like brothers" as Santiago stated various times throughout the novel. The fish is described as strong, and a fighter in the story.

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