Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Not Literal

While reading The Old Man and The Sea, clearly I understood it but not the way that Hemingway wrote it to be understood. I interpreted it from a literal perspective. However, while filling in the data sheet there was a section where you needed to include that you researched the book. Honestly, prior to this research I thought the book was very boring. But, the research showed me that the book was much deeper than just a man in the middle of the sea. The book was about Hemingway's reputation and how people thought that he couldn't publish another good book. Then, after the publication of this book it was initially in the new stands for 8 hours and was already sold out. That alone states not only how interesting the book is but also how amazing the simile of the whole book is.


The Old Man and The Sea is truly a novel that I highly recommend. This novel demonstrated what believing in one self can do to you. Out of the 84 days that man was fishing. Nobody believed in him because he hadn't caught a fish in 84 days. However, the man believed himself and on the 85th day he caught one of the biggest fishes that the fishermen of that area have ever seen. This novel taught me a life lesson to carry on with your personal beliefs, no matter others opinion.The major theme in this novel is to believe in yourself. You will never be able to please everyone, so the theme to believe in yourself does make one feel like there are no barriers limmiting you from success.

Setting & Characters

The setting for the fantastic novel The Old Man and The Sea, is the beaches of the Havana in Cuba.There are not many characters in the novel, The Old Man and the Sea, but the ones that are in the novel are very important. First, there is the main character Santiago whose name is mentioned very few times throughout the novel. Santiago is a Cuban fisherman. He is not married, but arguably married to the seas. Santiago is described as an elder, whom is not only poor but also very lonely. Another character in the story is Manolin, he is another very poor native of Cuba. Manolin, is young, and very caring of Santiago, arguably Santiago is his idol. Another character in this novel is the fish. The fish although not human creates a personality of his own as the novel evolves. Beginning with the fish, as the novel evolves the fishes personality truly shines. First, the fish is hooked, and the bond that Santiago creates with him is "like brothers" as Santiago stated various times throughout the novel. The fish is described as strong, and a fighter in the story.

Who wrote What?

The novel by Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and The Sea, is a fantastic novel that even won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1954. Hemingway has written many other great novels such as; Farewell to Arms, and To Have and Not to Have. Ernest Hemingway's skills have been doubted by many author's and literary critics time time again, however, time and time again Hemingway has defended his title as one of the most fascinating writers of our time. an interesting fact about Ernest Hemingway is that he killed himself because he had health issues, and was afraid of his financial future.